Winter wonders grab bag
Winter wonders grab bag

winter wonders grab bag

“Our grab bag does not contain any food or water. The basic requirement of food and water obviously varied depending on how far from land crews were going to be and how many were on board, but in general quantities were generous. When you take to the liferaft you will not have time to rummage around for what you need Survival Photocopies of ship’s documents, visas and passports were recommended, for example, or the originals themselves, and a few said they added cash and credit cards to a container. No less important, particularly for those in coastal waters, is equipment to take in case you are rescued. His phone lives at the navstation, he says, and is high up on the list of things to grab if ever he has to abandon his yacht. In addition, some listed an inflatable radar reflector, although ISAF-approved liferafts include a reflector.Ī good idea from Robert Flane is to include a spare battery for an Iridium phone, if you have one. An EPIRB, handheld VHF radio, flares, dye markers, signalling mirror, whistle and flashlight were included and, in two cases, a strobe light. When itemising grab bag contents most of those we asked started with equipment that would help them get rescued. Each crew’s kit is individual and although all had common denominators there was a fair degree of personalisation. Typically, contents divide into roughly five areas: equipment for basic survival items that could help bring about rescue or for when you get rescued navigation aids first aid and medicines food and water and what could loosely be termed ‘entertainment’. Most were able to give a complete and immediate account of the contents. Nonetheless, they are an essential part of voyage preparation.Ĭurious to know what exactly skippers store in their grab bag, particularly for transocean voyages where rescue could be days or more away, we conducted a straw poll of long-term skippers. Panic bags, or grab bags if you prefer, are the collection of essentials that we all ardently hope will languish unused in a locker.

Winter wonders grab bag